Video Based Learning

Revolutionizing Learning Through Immersive AR and VR Experiences

Traditional materials often fall short of captivating disengaged learners, prompting a shift toward innovative solutions. Enter “Explainer Videos,” a powerful force reshaping the communication of complex information. Let’s explore how our services redefine corporate training through visual storytelling.

Transformative Engagement

interactive Videos

At the forefront of innovation, Pentonix introduces interactive videos, turning passive learners into active participants. With click-to-reveal interactions and resource links, our videos create a more engaged and motivated workforce, aligning seamlessly with blended e-learning solutions. What’s can even add assessments at the end of the video to get an insight on concept comprehension.

Motion Graphics and Kinetic Typography

Elevating Visual Communication

Ensuring visual finesse is paramount, and Pentonix achieves this through motion graphics and kinetic typography. Leveraging elements like colours, shapes, and background music, our videos offer a visually compelling way to communicate information, ensuring an enjoyable and memorable learning experience for its users.

AI-Based Explainer Videos

Bridging Engagement Gaps

Addressing the challenge of motivating disengaged learners, our explainer videos simplify complex topics, boosting training completion rates. Explainer videos is an investment in engagement, inspiration, and crucially, corporate e-learning development. What’s more, our AI-based videos are developed in a matter of a few hours rendering the entire process of shooting trainer videos in a studio redundant. You can easily make edits, add animations, and update content without the hassle of physically recording your trainer/speaker in a studio setting. This in turn ensures faster turnarounds and reduced costs.

Sales Videos

Animated Appeal for Product Differentiation

In the competitive sales realm, animated explainer videos become a secret weapon. Beyond showcasing products, our videos engage customers with captivating narratives, setting brands apart and leaving a lasting impression.

Corporate Videos

Communication that Captivates

For internal communication, corporate videos capture attention and convey information in a visually stimulating manner. Partner with us for your corporate videos to ensure corporate messages resonate deeply with your work environment. 

How-to Videos

Practical Training Made Simple

Navigating employee training complexities becomes manageable with Pentonix’s how-to videos, providing step-by-step guidance and empowering employees with practical skills.

Storytelling Videos

The Art of Narrative Communication

Our animated videos excel in conveying messages through storytelling, offering a welcomed alternative to text-heavy content and ensuring viewers remain engaged while absorbing key information.

Video-Based Learning

A Holistic Approach to Skill Development

Pentonix’s video-based learning goes beyond traditional methods, enhancing learning, application, and engagement, and driving behavioral change, tailored to the needs of the modern workforce.

Crafting Impactful Videos with Pentonix

The Art of Narrative Communication

Partnering with Pentonix guarantees concise, objective explainer videos precisely tailored to meet specific needs. In today’s dynamic market, our explainer videos stand as a revolutionary force in corporate training, embodying the principles of custom e-learning development.

Enhancing Conversion Rates

The Impact of Compelling Content

Our videos serve as catalysts for increased product sales conversion rates and heightened e-learning engagement, combining compelling audio and video for effective communication.

Generating Interest

The Entertaining Edge of Animated Explanation

Entertaining and informative, Pentonix’s videos capture audience interest, providing a successful approach to conveying knowledge with clarity.

Increasing Retention

Leaving a Lasting Impression

Through captivating graphics and audio, our explainer videos leave a lasting impression on learners’ minds, enhancing information retention compared to traditional reading methods.

Do More with Less

Efficiency in Learning Delivery

In a world inundated with information, our well-packaged explainer videos deliver richer messages compared to dense pages of text, saving learners’ time while maximizing the impact of training.

Short In Length

Maximizing Attention Span

Our concise explainer videos cater to modern attention spans, ensuring learners remain focused throughout the learning journey. This aspect is crucial in corporate e-learning solutions, where time is a valuable resource.

A Strong Call To Action (CTA)

Guiding Next Steps

Our videos culminate effectively with a compelling Call To Action, guiding the audience toward desired next steps and ensuring actionable outcomes extend beyond the video.

Problem-Solving Focus

Addressing Specific Challenges

Our videos thrive when targeting specific problems, articulating how a product or service serves as the solution, and contributing to tailored responses for unique organizational challenges.

Reflect Brand And Audience

Aligning Style and Tone

The effectiveness of our videos is heightened when style and tone align with the brand and target audience, ensuring a seamless and memorable learning experience, crucial in corporate e-learning design.

High Quality

A Prerequisite for Impact

To effectively communicate a brand’s value proposition, Pentonix upholds high standards in both production and content quality, reflecting positively on the brand and elevating its perceived value.

Discover a heightened learning experience with our Microlearning videos, strategically crafted for maximum knowledge retention, seamless application, universal accessibility, and on-demand learning. These videos are intricately designed to cater to the shorter attention spans of today’s diverse learners. Offering a dynamic and efficient training solution, our Microlearning videos ensure that concepts and details are not only comprehended but also embedded over time. Step into a world where learning is engaging, impactful, and accessible whenever you need it – revolutionizing the way knowledge is acquired and applied across diverse learning environments.

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Speak to our Experts

Connect with our experts to learn more about Video-based learning strategies for learning

Speak to our Experts

Connect with our experts to learn more about Video-based learning strategies for learning